It is undoubtedly the most spectacular bird due to its large size, the largest of all psittacines (1.07m from head to tail) and its amazing blue Hyacinth coloration to which it owes its name that contrasts with the yellow that presents on both sides of the beak and around the eyes. 

This macaw has an imposing gray beak, rough and at the same time precise capable of crumbling hard nut shells, as well as holding seeds of very small size. 

The largest population is concentrated in Mato Grosso (Brazil) finding it in groups not very numerous in meadows and wooded savannas on the edge of tropical forests. There is, in turn, a more vulnerable small colony in Bolivia.

It feeds mainly on seeds and fruits that it obtains directly from palm trees and the waste of other animals.

As for reproduction you need large hollow trees to build your nest in which you lay 1 or 2 eggs rarely 3, which the female incubates for 26 days. Usually a single chick survives. Children depend on parents for 6 months, and do not reach sexual maturity until age 6. Due to the scarcity of nesting sites, their slow reproduction and the low survival rate of chicks, their disappearance is getting closer.